Safety Service Patrol Idea Sharing Network
Session 1: Standard Operating Procedures
On June 26, 2015, FHWA and hosted its first Safety Service Patrol (SSP) Idea-Sharing Network Session. The session focused on Standard Operating Procedures for SSPs and included presentations from three guest speakers: Michael Roberson, GDOT Incident Management Unit (H.E.R.O.) Manager; Salvatore Cowan, New Jersey DOT Director of Operations; and Rusty James, Gannett Fleming, Inc. Incident and Emergency Management Specialists. The presentations from each of these speakers are available to download below.
(click to download each of the following)
Session Agenda
Session 1 Chat Room Transcript
GDOT HERO Standard Operating Procedures Presented by Michael Roberson (GDOT)
NJDOT SSP Standard Operating Procedures Presented by Sal Cowan (NJDOT)
Kansas City Scout Standard Operating Procedures Presented by Rusty James (Gannett Fleming, Inc.)
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