Eyes on the Road, Not the Text
By Lisa Kennedy-Cox
Serious risks are associated with disabled vehicles at the side of our nation’s highways. Safety patrol operators changing tires and fixing mechanical problems work just inches away from vehicles speeding down the road at 50-60-70 miles per hour.
For drivers a blink of an eye or a moment of distraction can result in a fatal mistake. It could be a drunk driver unable to control his/her vehicle. It could be an aggressive driver. Or, he/she could be distracted – talking, texting, surfing the web, watching videos or fiddling with the GPS. Whichever the case, distracted behavior born from bad judgment is often the direct cause of accidents… Read More
NYSDOT is H.E.L.P.ed by Sponsorship
January 1, 2010 marked the first day of a new year, a new decade and a new kind of public/private partnership in New York, a new partnership that provides funding from the private sector to a public sector program. State Farm Insurance, who had a long history of commitment to highway safety, is now the sponsor of the NYSDOT H.E.L.P. program… Read More
Profile: Richard L. Wheeler
The President of Florida’s Turnpike Services, LLC sat down to answer a few questions about Florida’s Turnpike’s State Farm Safety Patrol, highway safety, personal experiences on the road and more… Read More
“Move Over” Law at a Glance
Every year, first responders across the country are injured or killed on the job while providing emergency services along America’s highways. The “Move Over” Law aims to make all roadside emergency and maintenance professionals safer… Learn More
Driver Question of the Quarter
What was the most significant assist you made in 2009?… Read and Add Responses